Contract Approval Letter Example


These contract approval letter templates provide a range of formats for effectively communicating the decision regarding contract approval or rejection in various scenarios. Whether you're granting approval with or without conditions, requesting amendments, or regretfully declining a contract, these templates offer a structured and professional approach to convey your organization's stance. Each template is designed to be adaptable to specific situations, ensuring clear communication with contractors, suppliers, or partners while maintaining professionalism and clarity throughout the process.

Template Standard Contract Approval Letter

[Your Company Letterhead]


[Contractor/Supplier Name] [Contractor/Supplier Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Contractor/Supplier Name],


I am writing to inform you that your submitted contract, dated [Contract Date], has been reviewed and approved by our organization. We appreciate your effort in preparing this agreement, and we believe it aligns with our mutual objectives and requirements.

The contract terms and conditions, including but not limited to [mention specific terms], have been carefully assessed and deemed acceptable by our legal and procurement teams. As a result, we are pleased to proceed with the execution of this contract.

Please review the attached contract for any additional signatures or formalities required on your end. Once all necessary signatures are in place, please return a fully executed copy to our office at your earliest convenience. We will also retain a copy for our records.

If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding the contract or its terms, please do not hesitate to contact our designated representative, [Your Representative Name], at [Your Representative's Email Address] or [Your Representative's Phone Number].

We look forward to a successful and mutually beneficial partnership as we work together under the terms of this contract.

Thank you for your cooperation and prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company Name] [Your Contact Information]

Template Contract Approval Letter with Amendments

[Your Company Letterhead]


[Contractor/Supplier Name] [Contractor/Supplier Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Contractor/Supplier Name],


I am writing to inform you that we have reviewed and approved the contract you submitted, dated [Contract Date], subject to certain amendments and conditions.

Upon a thorough review, our legal and procurement teams identified the need for certain changes to align the contract more closely with our organization's requirements. These amendments are detailed in the attached document titled "Contract Amendments."

We kindly request your immediate attention to these proposed changes. Please review the amendments carefully, and if you agree with the modifications, sign the attached document and return it to our office promptly. Once we receive the signed amendments, we will proceed with the execution of the revised contract.

If you have any questions or concerns about the proposed amendments or the contract in general, please do not hesitate to contact our designated representative, [Your Representative Name], at [Your Representative's Email Address] or [Your Representative's Phone Number].

We appreciate your flexibility and cooperation in addressing these necessary adjustments, and we look forward to moving forward with our partnership under the updated contract terms.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company Name] [Your Contact Information]

Template Contract Approval Letter with Conditions

[Your Company Letterhead]


[Contractor/Supplier Name] [Contractor/Supplier Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Contractor/Supplier Name],


I am writing to inform you that your submitted contract, dated [Contract Date], has been reviewed and conditionally approved by our organization, subject to specific conditions and requirements.

During the review process, our legal and procurement teams identified certain conditions that must be met before we can proceed with the execution of the contract. These conditions are outlined in the attached document titled "Contract Approval Conditions."

We kindly request your immediate attention to these conditions. Please review the requirements carefully and take the necessary steps to fulfill each condition within the specified timeframe. Once all conditions are met to our satisfaction, we will proceed with the execution of the contract.

If you have any questions or require clarification regarding the conditions or any other aspect of the contract, please do not hesitate to contact our designated representative, [Your Representative Name], at [Your Representative's Email Address] or [Your Representative's Phone Number].

We appreciate your cooperation in meeting these conditions, and we look forward to establishing a successful partnership under the terms of the contract.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company Name] [Your Contact Information]

Template Contract Approval Letter - Regretful Decision

[Your Company Letterhead]


[Contractor/Supplier Name] [Contractor/Supplier Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Contractor/Supplier Name],


I regret to inform you that after a thorough review, we have decided not to approve the contract you submitted, dated [Contract Date].

Our review process revealed that the contract did not align with our organization's objectives and requirements as anticipated. While we appreciate the effort you put into preparing this agreement, we have determined that it is not in our best interest to proceed with its execution at this time.

We value the potential for collaboration with your organization and hope that we may have the opportunity to work together on future projects under different terms or conditions. Please know that our decision is based on a careful evaluation of our current needs and priorities.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this decision further, please feel free to contact our designated representative, [Your Representative Name], at [Your Representative's Email Address] or [Your Representative's Phone Number].

We appreciate your understanding and your interest in partnering with us. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company Name] [Your Contact Information]

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