Application To Authority Filling A Complaint Against Faculty- Change Of Faculty In An Institution


These templates are designed to assist students in formally addressing their concerns to the appropriate authorities regarding a change of faculty within their educational institution. Whether writing to the Dean, Department Head, Academic Affairs Office, or Student Affairs Office, these templates provide a structured format for outlining the reasons behind the request, such as ineffective teaching methods, communication issues, lack of course preparation, and the consensus among students. By utilizing these templates, students can effectively communicate their concerns and seek a resolution that promotes a conducive learning environment and upholds the institution's commitment to academic excellence.

Template Formal Complaint Letter to Dean

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Dean's Name] [Dean's Title] [Institution's Name] [Institution's Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Change of Faculty

Dear Dean [Dean's Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my concern regarding the faculty assigned to my course, [Course Name], during this academic semester at [Institution's Name]. I believe that there is a need for a change in faculty for the following reasons:

Lack of Effective Teaching: The current faculty member has consistently demonstrated a lack of effectiveness in conveying course material, making it difficult for students to grasp essential concepts.

Communication Issues: I have encountered difficulties in communicating with the faculty member regarding course-related queries and concerns. Timely responses and clarity have been lacking.

Inadequate Course Preparation: It appears that the current faculty member has not adequately prepared for classes, resulting in disorganized lectures and a disjointed learning experience.

Student Feedback: Several of my fellow students share similar concerns about the quality of instruction provided by the current faculty member.

I believe that a change in faculty would greatly benefit the students in [Course Name], including myself. I kindly request your intervention in this matter to ensure that we receive the high-quality education that [Institution's Name] is renowned for.

I am open to discussing this matter further and providing any additional information that may be required to support my request. Your prompt attention to this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in resolving this matter.


[Your Name]

Template Student Complaint Letter to Department Head

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Department Head's Name] [Department Head's Title] [Department's Name] [Institution's Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Faculty Change in [Course Name]

Dear Professor [Department Head's Last Name],

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to bring to your attention a pressing issue I have encountered during my enrollment in [Course Name] this semester. I believe that a change in faculty is necessary due to the following reasons:

Inadequate Teaching Methods: The current faculty member's teaching methods have proven ineffective in facilitating student learning. Many of us are struggling to grasp the course material.

Communication Barriers: Communication with the current faculty member has been challenging. There have been delays in responding to emails and a lack of clarity in their explanations.

Poorly Organized Classes: The classes often lack structure and organization, which has resulted in a disorienting learning experience.

Student Consensus: After discussing this matter with fellow students, it is clear that many share the same concerns and believe that a faculty change is necessary.

I kindly request your assistance in addressing this issue by considering a change in faculty for [Course Name]. I believe that this action would greatly benefit the students and help maintain the institution's commitment to academic excellence.

I am available for further discussions and can provide additional information if needed to support my request. Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


[Your Name]

Template Email Complaint to Academic Affairs Office

Subject: Request for Faculty Change in [Course Name]

Dear Academic Affairs Office,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the faculty assigned to teach [Course Name] during the current semester. I believe that there is a need for a change in faculty for the following reasons:

Ineffective Teaching: The current faculty member's teaching methods have not been conducive to effective learning, and many students are struggling to comprehend the course material.

Communication Issues: There have been difficulties in communicating with the current faculty member regarding course-related queries and concerns, leading to frustration and confusion.

Lack of Preparation: It appears that the current faculty member has not adequately prepared for classes, resulting in disorganized lectures and a subpar learning experience.

Widespread Student Concern: Several of my peers have also expressed concerns about the quality of instruction provided by the current faculty member.

I kindly request your office's intervention to address this matter promptly and consider a change in faculty for [Course Name]. This action would greatly benefit the students and uphold the institution's reputation for academic excellence.

I am open to providing further information and discussing this matter as needed. Your prompt attention to this issue is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in resolving this concern.


[Your Name]

Template Formal Complaint Letter to Student Affairs Office

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Student Affairs Office] [Institution's Name] [Institution's Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Change of Faculty in [Course Name]

Dear Student Affairs Office,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of concern regarding the faculty assigned to teach [Course Name] at [Institution's Name]. I believe that there is a need for a change in faculty due to the following reasons:

Ineffective Teaching Methods: The current faculty member's teaching methods have proven to be ineffective, hindering the learning process for students enrolled in [Course Name].

Communication Challenges: Communication with the current faculty member has been challenging, resulting in delays in addressing student inquiries and concerns.

Lack of Course Preparation: The classes have been disorganized, and it appears that the current faculty member has not adequately prepared for lectures.

Student Consensus: After discussing this issue with fellow students, it has become evident that many of them share the same concerns and believe that a change in faculty is necessary.

I kindly request the intervention of the Student Affairs Office to address this issue by considering a change in faculty for [Course Name]. This action would contribute to improving the overall academic experience for students and uphold the institution's commitment to educational excellence.

I am willing to provide further information and participate in discussions regarding this matter if required. Your prompt attention to this issue is highly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance in resolving this concern.


[Your Name]

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