Application Requesting Posting On Another Place For My Mother Treatment


In these templates, we present formal applications for a temporary posting transfer due to a critical and urgent family matter: the serious medical condition of one's mother. Each template is designed to convey the need for immediate relocation to be closer to the mother's medical facility, enabling the applicant to provide essential care, emotional support, and assistance during her treatment. These applications express the applicant's commitment to ensuring minimal disruption at the workplace, including the willingness to take necessary leave if required. The primary objective is to seek understanding and support from the recipient to facilitate this vital posting transfer during a challenging and pressing family health emergency.

Template Application for Mother's Medical Treatment Posting

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Designation] [Name of the Organization/Department] [Address of the Organization/Department] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for Posting Transfer for Mother's Medical Treatment

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request a posting transfer for the duration of my mother's medical treatment. My mother, [Mother's Name], is currently facing a serious medical condition that requires my immediate presence and caregiving.

Title: Application for Temporary Posting Transfer Due to Mother's Illness

I am employed as a [Your Current Position] at [Current Workplace] and have been an active member of the team for [Duration of Employment]. I understand the importance of my responsibilities at the workplace, but my mother's health has taken precedence at this time.

I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me a temporary posting transfer to [Desired Location] or any other suitable location closer to my mother's medical facility. This transfer will enable me to provide the necessary care, emotional support, and assistance during her treatment.

Title: Request for Temporary Posting Transfer for Mother's Medical Care

I am committed to ensuring that my work responsibilities are not compromised during this challenging period. I am willing to collaborate with my colleagues and supervisor to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. Additionally, I am prepared to take any necessary leave to accommodate this transfer.

Title: Application for Posting Relocation due to Mother's Health

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter and hope for your understanding of my situation. Your support in facilitating this transfer would greatly alleviate the stress and burden on my family during this difficult time.

Title: Request for Posting Transfer for Mother's Treatment

I am ready to provide any documentation or information required to process this transfer. If there are any administrative procedures or paperwork involved, please let me know, and I will promptly complete them.

Title: Request for Temporary Posting Change Due to Mother's Health

Thank you for considering my request during this challenging period. I am hopeful that my request for a temporary posting transfer will be granted, allowing me to be with my mother during her medical treatment.


[Your Name] [Your Employee ID (if applicable)] [Contact Information]

Template Application for Mother's Medical Treatment Posting

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Designation] [Name of the Organization/Department] [Address of the Organization/Department] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for Temporary Posting Transfer due to Mother's Medical Condition

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request a temporary posting transfer due to my mother's severe medical condition. Her illness requires immediate attention and support, and I am compelled to be by her side during this challenging time.

Title: Application for Temporary Posting Transfer to Support Mother's Medical Treatment

I currently hold the position of [Your Current Position] at [Current Workplace] and have been a dedicated employee for [Duration of Employment]. While I am committed to my professional responsibilities, my priority now is to ensure my mother receives the care and assistance she needs.

Title: Request for Posting Relocation to Attend Mother's Medical Needs

I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me a temporary posting transfer to [Desired Location], which is closer to my mother's medical facility. This transfer will allow me to provide her with the necessary care, emotional support, and assistance throughout her treatment.

Title: Application for Temporary Posting Transfer due to Mother's Health

During my absence, I am fully committed to ensuring a seamless transition of my responsibilities. I am willing to work closely with my colleagues and supervisor to ensure that all tasks are managed efficiently.

Title: Request for Temporary Posting Change to Accommodate Mother's Treatment

I understand that my absence may affect the team, and I am prepared to take any necessary leave to minimize any inconvenience caused by this transfer.

Title: Request for Posting Transfer for Mother's Medical Treatment

I kindly request your immediate attention to this matter and would be grateful for your support in facilitating this transfer. I am ready to provide any required documentation or complete any administrative procedures to expedite the process.

Title: Application for Temporary Posting Transfer due to Family Health Emergency

Thank you for your understanding and consideration during this challenging period. Your support in granting me a temporary posting transfer will allow me to be there for my mother when she needs me the most.


[Your Name] [Your Employee ID (if applicable)] [Contact Information]

Template Application for Mother's Medical Treatment Posting

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Designation] [Name of the Organization/Department] [Address of the Organization/Department] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for Temporary Posting Transfer for Mother's Medical Care

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a temporary posting transfer due to my mother's serious medical condition. Her health has deteriorated significantly, and I need to be with her to provide the necessary care and support during her treatment.

Title: Application for Temporary Posting Transfer due to Mother's Illness

I am currently employed as a [Your Current Position] at [Current Workplace] and have been a dedicated member of the team for [Duration of Employment]. While I value my professional commitments, my mother's well-being is my top priority at this time.

Title: Request for Posting Relocation to Assist with Mother's Medical Treatment

I kindly request your understanding and assistance in facilitating a temporary posting transfer to [Desired Location] or any other suitable location closer to my mother's medical facility. Being closer to her will enable me to provide the necessary caregiving and emotional support during her treatment.

Title: Application for Temporary Posting Change due to Mother's Health

During my temporary transfer, I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities at the workplace. I am willing to work closely with my colleagues and supervisor to ensure that all tasks are managed efficiently in my absence.

Title: Request for Temporary Posting Transfer due to Family Health Emergency

I understand that my absence may affect the team, and I am prepared to take any necessary leave to minimize any disruption caused by this transfer.

Title: Request for Posting Transfer for Mother's Medical Care

I am ready to provide any documentation or information required to process this transfer promptly. If there are any administrative procedures involved, please let me know, and I will complete them without delay.

Title: Application for Posting Transfer due to Mother's Health Emergency

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and your understanding of the urgency of the situation. Your support in granting me a temporary posting transfer will ensure that I can be there for my mother during this critical time.


[Your Name] [Your Employee ID (if applicable)] [Contact Information]

Template Application for Mother's Medical Treatment Posting

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Date]

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Designation] [Name of the Organization/Department] [Address of the Organization/Department] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Urgent Request for Temporary Posting Transfer due to Mother's Medical Condition

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a temporary posting transfer because of my mother's severe medical condition. Her health has taken a critical turn, and I must be by her side to provide the necessary care and support during her treatment.

Title: Application for Temporary Posting Transfer due to Mother's Health Crisis

I currently hold the position of [Your Current Position] at [Current Workplace] and have been a dedicated and committed employee for [Duration of Employment]. While I am deeply committed to my professional responsibilities, my family's urgent need demands my immediate attention.

Title: Request for Posting Relocation to Attend to Mother's Medical Needs

I kindly request your understanding and assistance in arranging a temporary posting transfer to [Desired Location] or any other suitable location nearer to my mother's medical facility. This relocation will enable me to be present for her, providing essential care and emotional support throughout her treatment.

Title: Application for Temporary Posting Change due to Family Health Emergency

During my temporary transfer, I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities within the workplace. I am willing to collaborate closely with my colleagues and supervisor to ensure that all tasks are managed efficiently during my absence.

Title: Request for Temporary Posting Transfer due to Mother's Health Emergency

I understand that my absence may affect the team, and I am ready to take any necessary leave to mitigate any disruption caused by this transfer.

Title: Request for Posting Transfer for Mother's Medical Treatment

I am fully prepared to provide any required documentation or information to expedite the processing of this transfer. If there are any administrative procedures involved, please inform me, and I will complete them promptly.

Title: Application for Posting Transfer due to Mother's Medical Emergency

I am deeply grateful for your understanding and consideration in this matter, given the urgency of the situation. Your support in granting me a temporary posting transfer will ensure that I can be there for my mother when she needs me the most.


[Your Name] [Your Employee ID (if applicable)] [Contact Information]

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