Application For Student Visa In Malaysia


Applying for a student visa is a significant step towards achieving your educational goals in Malaysia. These templates are designed to assist you in crafting a formal and comprehensive application for a student visa in Malaysia, whether you are applying for the first time, seeking an extension, transferring institutions, or applying as a dependent.Each template provides a structured format to present your personal information, educational background, admission details, and any specific circumstances relevant to your visa application. It is crucial to fill in the appropriate details accurately and attach the required documents to ensure a smooth and successful visa application process.Please carefully review and select the template that best suits your situation. Additionally, make sure to read and understand the immigration regulations and requirements specific to student visas in Malaysia before submitting your application. Your well-prepared application will not only facilitate your visa approval but also pave the way for a successful and enriching educational experience in Malaysia.

Template Student Visa Application for Malaysia (General)

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Today's Date]

The Director General, Department of Immigration Malaysia, [Address of the Immigration Office] [City, Postal Code]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Application for Student Visa (Category: [e.g., Student Pass for Bachelor's Degree])

I am writing to apply for a student visa to pursue my [mention the course you intend to pursue] at [Name of the Malaysian Institution/University], which is scheduled to commence on [Start Date of the Program]. I am excited about the prospect of studying in Malaysia and believe that the knowledge and experiences I gain will be invaluable to my personal and professional growth.

Here is a brief overview of my application:

Personal Information:

Full Name: [Your Full Name] Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth] Nationality: [Your Nationality] Passport Number: [Your Passport Number] Permanent Address: [Your Permanent Address] Contact Number: [Your Contact Number] Email Address: [Your Email Address] Educational Background:

Previous Qualifications: [List your previous educational qualifications] Name of Last Institution Attended: [Name of Your Last Educational Institution] Previous Course of Study: [Your Previous Course of Study] Expected Date of Graduation: [If applicable] Admission Details:

Name of Malaysian Institution: [Name of the Institution/University] Course Name: [Name of the Course] Course Duration: [Duration of the Course] Course Start Date: [Start Date of the Course] Course End Date: [Expected End Date of the Course] Offer Letter Reference Number: [Offer Letter Reference Number] Financial Support:

Source of Funds: [Specify the source of funds for your studies, e.g., personal savings, scholarship, sponsor] Financial Statement: [Attach a copy of your bank statement or financial documents] Travel Itinerary:

Flight Details: [Provide your flight itinerary if available] I have attached all the necessary documents required for the visa application, including a copy of my offer letter, proof of financial means, and a valid passport. I understand and acknowledge the terms and conditions associated with the student visa and assure you of my compliance with all relevant regulations during my stay in Malaysia.

I kindly request your prompt attention to my application so that I may complete the necessary preparations for my studies. If there are any additional documents or information required, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to study in Malaysia and contribute positively to your esteemed educational system.


[Your Full Name]

Template Student Visa Application for Malaysia (Dependent on Family Member)

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Today's Date]

The Director General, Department of Immigration Malaysia, [Address of the Immigration Office] [City, Postal Code]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Application for Dependent Student Visa (Category: Dependent Pass)

I am writing to apply for a dependent student visa to accompany my [relationship with the primary student visa holder, e.g., spouse/parent] who will be pursuing their studies in Malaysia. Their details are as follows:

Primary Visa Holder Information:

Full Name: [Name of the Primary Visa Holder] Passport Number: [Passport Number of the Primary Visa Holder] Institution Name: [Name of the Malaysian Institution/University] Course Name: [Course Name of the Primary Visa Holder] Course Start Date: [Start Date of the Primary Visa Holder's Course] Here is a brief overview of my application:

Personal Information:

Full Name: [Your Full Name] Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth] Nationality: [Your Nationality] Passport Number: [Your Passport Number] Permanent Address: [Your Permanent Address] Contact Number: [Your Contact Number] Email Address: [Your Email Address] Relationship with the Primary Visa Holder:

Explain your relationship with the primary visa holder and provide any relevant supporting documents, e.g., marriage certificate, birth certificate. Travel Itinerary:

Flight Details: [Provide your flight itinerary if available] I have attached all the necessary documents required for the dependent student visa application, including proof of relationship with the primary visa holder, a copy of their student visa, and a valid passport. I understand and acknowledge the terms and conditions associated with the dependent student visa and assure you of my compliance with all relevant regulations during my stay in Malaysia.

I kindly request your prompt attention to my application so that I may accompany my family member for their studies. If there are any additional documents or information required, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to joining my family member in Malaysia and contributing positively to your esteemed educational system.


[Your Full Name]

Template Student Visa Application for Malaysia (Renewal/Extension)

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Today's Date]

The Director General, Department of Immigration Malaysia, [Address of the Immigration Office] [City, Postal Code]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Application for Renewal/Extension of Student Visa (Category: Student Pass)

I am writing to apply for the renewal/extension of my student visa to continue my studies in Malaysia. I am currently enrolled in the [Name of the Course] program at [Name of the Malaysian Institution/University], and my current visa is set to expire on [Current Visa Expiry Date].

Here is a brief overview of my application:

Personal Information:

Full Name: [Your Full Name] Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth] Nationality: [Your Nationality] Passport Number: [Your Passport Number] Permanent Address: [Your Permanent Address] Contact Number: [Your Contact Number] Email Address: [Your Email Address] Educational Details:

Current Course: [Name of Your Current Course] Current Institution: [Name of Your Current Institution] Current Visa Expiry Date: [Current Visa Expiry Date] Renewal/Extension Details:

Intended Course Duration: [Specify the duration of the extension] Course Progress: [Briefly describe your academic progress and future plans] Financial Support:

Source of Funds: [Specify the source of funds for your continued studies, e.g., personal savings, scholarship, sponsor] Updated Financial Statement: [Attach an updated copy of your bank statement or financial documents] I have attached all the necessary documents required for the visa renewal/extension application, including an acceptance letter for the next semester, proof of financial means, and a valid passport. I understand and acknowledge the terms and conditions associated with the student visa renewal/extension and assure you of my compliance with all relevant regulations during my extended stay in Malaysia.

I kindly request your prompt attention to my application so that I may continue my studies without interruption. If there are any additional documents or information required, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].

Thank you for considering my application. I am committed to completing my education in Malaysia and contributing to the academic community.


[Your Full Name]

Template Student Visa Application for Malaysia (Change of Institution)

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Your Email Address] [Your Phone Number] [Today's Date]

The Director General, Department of Immigration Malaysia, [Address of the Immigration Office] [City, Postal Code]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Application for Change of Institution on Student Visa (Category: Student Pass)

I am writing to request a change of institution on my student visa. I am currently enrolled in the [Name of the Course] program at [Current Institution/University], and I would like to transfer to [New Institution/University] to continue my studies. I have received admission at the new institution for the [New Course] program, which is scheduled to commence on [New Course Start Date].

Here is a brief overview of my application:

Personal Information:

Full Name: [Your Full Name] Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth] Nationality: [Your Nationality] Passport Number: [Your Passport Number] Permanent Address: [Your Permanent Address] Contact Number: [Your Contact Number] Email Address: [Your Email Address] Current Educational Details:

Current Course: [Name of Your Current Course] Current Institution: [Name of Your Current Institution] Current Visa Expiry Date: [Current Visa Expiry Date] New Educational Details:

New Course: [Name of the New Course] New Institution: [Name of the New Institution] New Course Start Date: [New Course Start Date] New Course End Date: [Expected End Date of the New Course] Reason for Transfer:

Explain your reasons for transferring to the new institution. I have attached all the necessary documents required for the change of institution on the student visa, including an acceptance letter from the new institution, proof of financial means, and a valid passport. I understand and acknowledge the terms and conditions associated with the change of institution on the student visa and assure you of my compliance with all relevant regulations during my continued stay in Malaysia.

I kindly request your prompt attention to my application so that I may transfer to the new institution and resume my studies. If there are any additional documents or information required, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to continue my academic journey in Malaysia and contribute positively to both institutions.


[Your Full Name]

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